Servicing of Life Saving Equipment
Whether you work on a commercial vessel or own a yacht or leisurely boat,regulator servicing and maintenance of your life saving equipment, in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations will be essential to maximizing safety whilst on your boat. Each year, your Safety equipment wii be subjected to a range of elements which will accelerate the natural wear and tear of the life saving equipments; therefore the only way to determine its conditions is to have it inspected and certified.
Our service station is approved by all major marine classes and We at digital marine systems can service and certify all life saving equipments for the vessels, rigs, yachts on both offshore and onshore sites as per SOLAS and IMO regulations
- Life Rafts
- Breathing apparatus
- Emergency escape breathing device
- Medical oxygen
- Inflatable life jacket
- Immersion suits
- Hydrostatic testing own facility
- Portable and fixed gas detection system
- Air quality testing of BA sets/EEBD/ Air compressor